Flour is an indispensable ingredient in any kitchen. But you can use it not only to prepare cakes, quiches and all kinds of sweets. Its versatility is often overlooked. Many people ignore it, but it can also save you a lot of inconvenience when cooking or frying food. Do you like frying eggs? It may seem strange, but a pinch of flour in your oiled frying pan will save you from a very common inconvenience. Quickly find out what this homemade trick is that you will surely use every day.

Why add flour to the pan before frying the eggs?

When you fry eggs or other foods, you often have one big problem: oil splatters. Not only do they pollute the surrounding area, but they can also burn you. It is so unpleasant that you even have the habit of walking away to avoid being sprayed. The trouble is over! Thanks to this little trick, you can cook quietly without fearing the slightest harm.  By adding a little flour to the pan when you fry an egg, it can cook properly, and you will not fall victim to oil slugs. And for good reason, flour is known to absorb moisture!

The process is simple: add a pinch of flour as soon as the oil heats up in the pan. Then stir thoroughly until it crumbles. Once it is well dissolved, you can add the egg. Ideally, the latter should be taken out of the refrigerator a few minutes beforehand to have a tempered temperature and avoid thermal shock during cooking.

Another trick to avoid oil splashes in the pan

To avoid burning yourself, flour is an excellent ally, but not the only one. Another alternative can be just as effective: using salt. This ingredient also has the ability to absorb moisture and prevent oil from splashing out of the utensil. All you need to do is spread a little on the surface of the pan before you even light the fire. Then add the oil and let it heat up. Finally, all you have to do is fry your food. This way, thanks to the salt, you can cook safely without exposing yourself to dangerous splashes.

Why does oil splash when frying?

Oil and water have never been a good mix. The main reason why hot oil starts to “jump” in the pan is that it has come into contact with water. Even a small drop during frying can increase the pressure of the oil so much that the bubble formed by the steam bursts and carries the projectiles with it. Food is known to contain water or still be moist after washing. The liquid from their tiny cells then comes into contact with the hot oil and causes the splashing. Result: fat droplets enter the stove, and you risk getting burned. However, sometimes just having a perfectly dry pan and well-wiped food is enough to significantly reduce these oil splashes.