How to get lemon peels on the windows?!” is a question that we can ask ourselves if we do not know what this method is good for what this practice consists of. Behind this simple gesture lies the solution to a painful and very common problem in households.

It is now common knowledge that lemon peel or the citrus fruit itself are not limited to culinary applications.  These are important ingredients for household cleaners that are highly valued by responsible cleaning enthusiasts. From the dishwasher to the sink to the kitchen countertops, lemon works wonderfully in several areas of the home as an unparalleled cleaner. But then, why would you put zests next to the windows of your interior? Well, it’s another one of its abilities that we’re going to discover: The ability to repel flies.

Put lemon peels next to your windows and keep flies away

Flies are a nuisance for several reasons. They leave their droppings on the windows and surfaces of the house; they dance around the food and buzz around the head… not very pleasant all that… There is no denying it, it is difficult to support them, and even more so because sometimes they gather en masse in the air. And what about all those times when you felt you had to keep the windows closed while you were preparing food? It’s definitely time to get ahead of these pests! Good news, lemon is just the key ingredient that will help you do just that:

  • Cut a lemon into slices to remove the skin
  • Place the peels in a paper towel and close it up
  • Place the lemon peels on the kitchen windowsill. Flies can’t stand the smell and will be forced to leave.

Now you can leave your windows ajar without worrying about an invasion of flies in your kitchen! Note that it is necessary to replace the lemon peels regularly to maintain the effectiveness of the trick. Finally, it is always good to find ways to avoid pesticides and other harmful insecticides.

Why put cloves in a lemon? The other great tip

Are you looking for a particularly effective fly repellent tip that’s easy on the eyes and smells great? Yes, it does exist and it’s probably a favorite of many of us for those very reasons. The method of cloves planted in a lemon reminds us that it is possible to keep flies away from our home while adding a certain decorative touch to our interior. This scented repellent is a combination of two ingredients whose scents are far too powerful to keep flies flying around your head! To make this natural insect repellent and so pleasant for our senses, well what could be simpler? See for yourself:

  • Get some cloves;
  • Cut a lemon in half;
  • Pierce half a lemon with the cloves (if you wish, you can do the same for the other half);
  • Be sure to provide the entire surface of the citrus fruit.

Since the smell of lemon is already difficult for flies to bear, adding cloves will be too irritating for their sense of smell and they will be forced to flee from the perimeter of your home.

What other natural fly repellent tips are there?

Apart from the repellent power of lemon, you should know that you have other ingredients at home that can be useful to drive flies away from your home. This is the case of basil and white vinegar:

The white vinegar home repellent

You can also make a rather ingenious trap with white vinegar:

  • With a pair of scissors, cut the neck of a plastic bottle and place it upside down (cap side) inside the bottle;
  • Pour 4 tablespoons of white vinegar and 4 others of liquid soap at the bottom of the bottle;
  • Stir it all up;
  • Place your new trap on the windowsill.

All the insects sensitive to the smell will approach it. Once on it, they will fall in and never come out. You don’t need any chemicals and your house will stay clean.

Basil, another natural fly repellent: a pest control remedy

As with lemon and cloves, the smell of Basil will repel flies. Simply place it in different parts of the house and the pests will disappear immediately. Think windowsills and near the front door. If you like to use it as a repellent, why not grow it right at home?

A few tips to prevent flies and make them go away

While repellent tips are super helpful, there are also some tips to better prevent fly infestation. Here are some of the most notable ones:

Fruits and vegetables are the first items to mold and rot, which, as you know, attracts many flies and even other insects. If you want to avoid finding yourself in front of a repulsive spectacle, store them properly or simply consume them. Remember that flies hate the smell of citronella, geranium or even lavender. Enjoy.

If flies are used to visiting you, don’t hesitate to follow these repellent and easy-to-use tips.