Dishwashers are one of the most commonly used household appliances. And for good reason, it reduces the time spent washing plates, utensils and cutlery. Only at the end of each cleaning unpleasant odors can arise and disturb. Find out how to eliminate them and have a permanently clean dishwasher.

Don’t spend your money and time going to the supermarket to buy cleaning products that are often filled with chemicals that can be ineffective. There are several ingenious, cheap and effective ways to solve this situation without damaging your appliance. Here are 8 natural remedies to get rid of unpleasant odors from your dishwasher:

1) Lemon

Lemon has antibacterial and antiseptic properties thanks to the vitamin C it contains. This natural remedy is effective in maintaining the dishwasher and prevents the appearance of bad odors. To avoid this and to make the machine smell good after each wash, place half a lemon, from which you remove the seeds, in the basket of the dishwasher.

2) Prepare your own detergent

A good way to prevent the dishwasher from giving off bad odors is to use a do-it-yourself detergent. To do this, you will need a jar, a spoon, ¾ lb. of baking soda, ½ cup of demineralized water, soap, thyme essential oil, orange essential oil and glycerin.

First pour baking soda, demineralized water and liquid soap into a bowl. Then add 15 drops of each of the two essential oils, which have antibacterial and antiseptic properties. After adding 15 drops of glycerin to the mixture, you need to mix everything. This preparation can be stored in airtight jars. Only one tablespoon of detergent per wash cycle is enough to deodorize and scent your dishwasher.

3) Soap and white vinegar

To remove lime scale, neutralize bad odors and remove stinky buildup from your appliance, you can use a tablespoon of soap and half a glass of white vinegar. After mixing, rub this concoction well against the walls of the dishwasher with a brush.

4) White vinegar

For white vinegar to be effective, it can be added to a bowl in the dishwasher before a full wash cycle at a temperature above 140 degrees Fahrenheit. With this acidic solution, you can get rid of all the stinky residue in the appliance. Magic, isn’t it.

5) Baking soda

To enhance the degreasing and refreshing effect of white vinegar, you can also dilute a tablespoon of baking soda in it. This ingredient is also capable of absorbing unpleasant odors.

6) Essential oils

If you have used white vinegar and are worried that the smell will linger in the dishwasher, you can simply add a few drops of lavender essential oil to the bowl of acid solution. Your appliance will smell great and be clean!

7) Water and detergent

To avoid unpleasant odors, use only water and dishwashing detergent to clean your appliance every day. Mix a tablespoon of dishwashing liquid with a glass of water. Soak a cloth with this mixture and clean the entire interior of the dishwasher. Then perform an empty wash cycle.

8) Maintenance with white vinegar

We recommend using white vinegar at least once a month to ensure a thorough cleaning of your dishwasher. It’s a cost-effective, efficient and eco-friendly solution that allows you to maintain your appliance without harming the environment. This alternative to a chemical detergent can absorb any kind of odors.