We all have our own habits when it comes to laundry care. And to make clothes last longer, some people apply an almost systematic reflex: washing inside out. In fact, there are several reasons why you should do this. We’ll tell you more about them later in this article.

Sweaters, T-shirts, jeans, shirts, pants: why do you need to wash inside out?

Your favorite sweaters, T-shirts, shirts and pants deserve to be pampered. This involves washing, drying and then ironing. To start a machine wash cycle right, some people recommend washing clothes inside out. And believe it or not, this habit does not prevent your clothes from being washed properly. On the contrary, this seemingly harmless operation will extend their life. Without further ado, we will tell you the main reasons that should make you do it.

  1. Most dirt and sweat accumulates in your clothes

Not only the outer part of a garment is exposed to dirt and pollution. There is also the inner part, which is in direct contact with the skin and is located in your jeans or underwear. This is because body fluids and sweat collect there, leading to yellow sweat stains and lingering odors. So, if you adopt this reflex, your laundry will thank you!

  1. Fabrics are protected from possible discoloration

Once in the drum, anything can happen to fabrics! The most delicate fabrics can be easily damaged and brightly colored fabrics lose their intensity. To avoid the worst, it is better to return the clothes before each wash. Do this especially with jeans! They lose not only their original blue color, but also the quality of their material and elasticity. The same applies to other garments with delicate fibers such as blouses, T-shirts or pants. Not so complicated, right? If you adopt this reflex, you do not necessarily have to renew your wardrobe the following season!

  1. Embroidery, prints … and all the details are protected!

If you care about a particular garment, the most logical thing to do is to turn it inside out before you put it in the washing machine. For what? The friction of the different fabrics in the drum is often responsible for their aging. Small details, reliefs, edges, seams and sequins get stuck on the drum of the machine and damage the fabrics. Also, if you have drawings on your jeans or T-shirt, it’s better to wash them inside out so they don’t fade.

Another little bonus: By turning your clothes inside out, you can also empty your pockets and store some important items. Your machine will thank you for it, too!

How do I properly put laundry in the washing machine?

To take good care of your laundry and avoid unpleasant surprises, you need to take some important measures. Of course, careful maintenance of the washing machine is necessary to avoid dirt and lime deposits on the textiles. But that’s not all, these other methods will guarantee you a clean and shiny laundry. Follow the leaders!

Do not abuse products:

If you think that it is good to put many products in the machine to wash your clothes well, you are wrong! An overdose of detergent often leaves traces and product residues on your laundry.

Do not overload the drum of the machine:

to be fast, you may be tempted to put too many clothes in the washing machine. But did you know? Overloading your machine can not only cause damage, but also reduce its efficiency. When overloaded, the machine can’t spin properly, and the clothes remain damp. In addition, water may not reach all fabrics evenly.

Do not forget to use laundry nets:

Do you feel like putting fragile laundry in the washing machine? Take out your laundry net. You can introduce your bras and all your delicate fabrics or lace. They will remain intact when they come out of the machine!