Why pour fabric softener on toilet paper, the result is really great.

Why pour fabric softener on toilet paper? The result looks really great and surprising.

Toilet paper has been on the market for centuries and in all our homes. It was invented specifically in the West around the middle of the 19th century.

However, it was already being used in the East as far back as 1300. It’s certainly something we can’t do without.

It’s an indispensable accessory in our homes, precisely because it’s essential to our hygiene.

Much later, fabric softener appeared on the market, a laundry product used after washing to make cotton fabrics softer.

In the past, a mixture of soap and oil was used to achieve the same effect. This mixture used to leave a smooth film on clothes.

Fabric softener and toilet paper, a surprising remedy

It wasn’t until the mid-20th century that the textile industry invented fabric softener to improve fabric comfort.

Did you know that these products can also be used for other purposes, not just those for which they were invented?

Well, they can also be used in other ways, even mixed. Did you know, for example, that they are very useful in the home?

With fabric softener and toilet paper, you get a great way to clean the house. Here’s how.

First of all, you need to take a roll of toilet paper and, with extreme care, remove the cardboard roll inside.

Fill the bowl with a mixture of 100 ml water, 50 ml alcohol and 15 grams bicarbonate. Mix gently and add a spoonful of bicarbonate.

Mix everything together and place the toilet roll on a soup plate. Pour in the solution you prepared earlier.

Then place the roll in a container. The result? You’ve prepared a few cleaning wipes for household tasks.

You’ll be able to clean bathroom taps, tables, kitchens and furniture. Alcohol and bicarbonate have powerful cleaning and disinfecting properties. Fabric softener has a pleasant fragrance.

Natural fabric softener remedies and tips

Did you know that fabric softeners can also be used for other purposes? Which ones? Few people know that fabric softener can be used for glass and floors.

You can also use this cleaning product to remove stickers, clean brushes, hobs and pans.

Alternatively, you can also polish wooden furniture. In short, it’s a versatile product that can be used in many different areas.

Many natural remedies and tips handed down by our grandmothers are based on all-natural products that we often have at home.

In this case, what we want to talk about today is based on toilet paper and fabric softener. These are useful products which, as well as being original, can perform very important functions.

  • Toothpaste and fabric softener

Want to perfume the room and use toilet paper and this cleaning product? Prepare a paste with toothpaste and fabric softener.

Mix the two ingredients together and spread the mixture inside the paper roll.

You’ll be delighted by the resulting scent, which will permeate the bathroom as if it were clean.

For example, if you’re expecting unexpected guests and want your bathroom to smell nice, you can use this product, which is simple, quick and easy to access, precisely because it involves two products we all have at home.

Toothpaste, like fabric softener, can be used for many different purposes.

It can be used not only for body care, but also to whiten nails, remove hair color stains or unpleasant odors from hands.

It can also be used to clean shoes, silver jewelry and irons, to remove unpleasant odors from baby bottles and to prevent swimming goggles from fogging up.