You’re probably thinking that the days of finding a bottle of baby powder in the bathroom cupboard are over.

Many children have no doubt already grown up. And what else can you do with baby powder?

Well, what we might not know is the power of this powder, especially for the garden. It may even be the reason why the neighbor’s garden always looks so well-tended and healthy…

Is there anything better than products that have more than one use? Baby powder is a good example, at least when it comes to gardening. Here are just a few of the problems for which baby powder offers a solution.

Baby Powder Tip for the Garden: What They Didn’t Teach You in Gardening School

1. keeps ants away

Ants are a real nuisance in summer. Most of us spend a lot of our money on harsh chemicals to get rid of them and stop them invading our homes and gardens. But these harmful chemicals can affect the soil. Why not sprinkle a little baby powder on the areas where you’ve spotted those pesky insects and watch as they make a big detour.

For some reason, ants don’t like baby powder, so create your own “wall” of baby powder to keep them out.

2. keeps insects away

Ants aren’t the only ones who like places where you don’t really want to see them – beetles also tend to like green spaces in the garden. Try sprinkling a little baby powder on your plants and you’ll see that they’ll no longer be attracted to them and will immediately leave your garden.

3. Protect your hands

Now, you’re probably wondering how baby powder can improve the use of gardening tools, but it’s actually not as absurd as it sounds. If you sprinkle a little baby powder on your shovel, hedge trimmer or pruning shears, it’ll help you stay blister-free when you’re hard at work outdoors.

4. Soothes tired feet

As baby powder has an absorbing and softening effect, it’s perfect for your hard-working feet. If your feet are sweaty or tired, rub them with baby powder and they’ll not only smell great, but feel softer too.

My friend actually told me about it when I was having problems with ants.