How to Use Hydrogen Peroxide to Remove Mold in the Home…

So many times, people refer to how useful hydrogen peroxide is for sending mold away from the house. This is not a myth, we are really talking about an ingredient that we all have in our homes, but we don’t know how useful it can be to us. To make the most of it with the recurring problem of mold, let’s look together at all the places where it tends to accumulate the most. You will see that with hydrogen peroxide you will solve the problem! I remind you to use the 10-volume one.

On the wall

The wall is one of the most undesirable places to see mold on because removing it can be quite complicated. However, there are effective methods that manage to send it away without too much effort and effectively too! Warning. The remedy refers to small and non-serious mold stains. In case it spreads over a large part of the wall and is particularly black, you need to consult an expert. Well, all you will need to do is moisten a microfiber cloth with water and then add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. Dab it on the affected area and leave it until it dries, then rinse several times and you will see that the mold will go away easily.

Corners of the house

Not only the wall, but especially corners can be affected by mold. Whether they are those in the bathroom, bedrooms, or kitchen, we see them darkening or blackening as time passes. To make sure that they can get clean again you will simply have to make a paste with 1 tablespoon of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide flush until you get a kind of gel. Put on a soft-bristled toothbrush and scrub in the corners until you see that the mold is gone effectively, then rinse.

In the bathroom

We now come to an area of the house where unfortunately finding mold is easier than expected. In the bathroom there are many places where it forms, think especially of the shower, which, with the accumulation of moisture and stagnant water, generates most of all the mold in the house. In this regard, I simply recommend that you fill a vaporizer with 1 glass of hydrogen peroxide, juice of 1 lemon, 1 teaspoon of citric acid and half a cup of water. You will then need to spray the mixture on the affected areas and leave it for at least 15 minutes, then wipe it off with a sponge to send the residue away.

Warning. Do not use the mixture on marble or natural stone.

On fabrics

It might seem strange to talk about mold on fabrics, but it is actually a more recurring problem than you think. It happens, in fact, when you wash clothes in a washing machine that is not cared for below the level of cleanliness and thus transfers limescale and mildew. Another reason is when you keep fabrics for too long locked in furniture without airing them out, cleaning them and implementing remedies to decrease humidity. So, pay close attention and remove stains by smearing a little vinegar (if they are colored cloths) on the affected area and wiping with a microfiber cloth. For white fabrics, use hydrogen peroxide and then move on to machine washing.

In furniture

We have just mentioned that mold inside furniture also transfers to fabrics. So, we need to solve the problem upstream, taking care of the furniture and trying not to run into this problem Let’s look together at the tips to implement to avoid mold:

  • Air the furniture every day so that the air can circulate for at least twenty minutes;
  • Wash the furniture thoroughly at least once a month with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda;
  • If the furniture itself is prone to moisture, place bowls with baking soda to reduce the rate.

In the washing machine

Last area where mold is found is not really a place in the house, but an appliance. Mold in the washing machine brings a whole range of consequences, such as dirt on fabrics, so it should be kept under watch and you should never forget to take care of it. I recommend, therefore, that you do vacuum washes at least once a month using a cup full of hydrogen peroxide, which will degrease and remove mold in no time. Place it in the basket and start a high temperature wash.


I would like to remind you that for extensive and severe mold stains you should consult an expert.