January in the Garden – What to Do?…

Obviously the month of January is not the most favorable month for engaging in outdoor gardening: frost, wind, fog and snow are often a hindrance. In addition, the vegetation is at rest; necessary period to better start in spring!

However, now is the time to think about the layout of your garden, by redesigning it for example, in front of your office, in the warmth of a fireplace, with a hot chocolate and some little madeleines with chocolate hazelnuts!

Gardening in the vegetable garden in January: prepare the soil, plant and sow

  • The leek must be protected from severe frosts by a good layer of straw or leaves.
  • Do a good plowing incorporating the previously deposited manure into your soil.
  • You can plant garlic and shallot bulbs. Under a heated frame, you will sow carrots. Under cover, you can sow spring lettuce.
  • Prepare the trenches for planting asparagus in spring.
  • Now is the time to check the expiration dates of your seeds, and clean your polka dot stakes or pole beans with iron sulfate or bleach.

Gardening in the orchard in January

  • In the orchard, it’s not time to harvest, but to prune the fruit trees. Apple and pear trees in espaliers as well as currant and blackcurrant bushes must be pruned.
  • Pull out dead trees, if you have them, and plant your new fruit trees. Prune stem trees and hazelnut trees.
  • Also take advantage of this to check and refurbish the iron wires of the espaliers and all the stakes.

Gardening in the ornamental garden and flower beds in January

  • In the ornamental garden, a few flowering plants give colorful touches: Christmas roses, heather, camellias… But, above all, you will have to prepare the garden for the end of winter. The Christmas party is over and if you bought a Nordmann fir, for example, with roots, you need to replant it very quickly.
  • First, plow the spaces that will receive annuals, and scratch the beds with biennials.
  • Protect perennials from too intense frost with mulch, and clean by removing dried flowers and stems. Protect certain shrubs that fear frost with a veil.
  • Prepare the earthworks for your future lawn, if necessary. If you have a pond, break up any ice that may have formed. Also remember to feed the little birds who suffer a little in winter!

The moon of January

  • Consider taking a look at the work you can do in the garden based on the January lunar calendar.

Visits and walks in the garden in January

Take advantage of this off-peak period to visit open garden centers and nurseries as well as trade fairs. All events around the garden are listed in the January garden calendar.