Vitamin D: 6 signs that prove you’re lacking it this winter…

As fall and winter set in after the sunny summer months, our bodies also undergo changes. Lack of sunlight can negatively impact our body’s processes. Many people suffer from vitamin D deficiency during the “dark months” – studies by the Robert Koch Institute show that around 30 percent of Germans have too little vitamin D in their blood between October and April.

Certain symptoms may indicate a deficiency. In this article, you will discover what signs speak in this direction.

Why is vitamin D important?

Vitamin D performs several functions in the body. Above all, it ensures that calcium from food is released by the intestine and stored in the bones. Vitamin D can also support the immune system. For example, the manifestations of allergies can be reduced thanks to a stable level of vitamin D in the blood.

What causes vitamin D deficiency?

Vitamin D is one of the substances that the body can only absorb to a limited extent through food. Even if we ate eggs, fish or mushrooms in abundance, the human body’s vitamin D requirements could only be met by 20%. Sunlight is essential for the production of vitamin D. The body can produce the missing 80 percent of its requirements itself – and this is when natural light is absorbed by the skin. On the other hand, a vitamin D deficiency can occur if you do not spend enough time outdoors (in the sun).

Who may be affected?

In general, all people who spend little time outdoors suffer from a vitamin D deficiency. Among them, people in need of care and the chronically ill are the most affected. Older adults are also often affected by vitamin D deficiency, as the skin‘s ability to produce vitamin D decreases.
The possible consequences of a deficiency can be:

Vitamin D: 6 signs that prove you’re lacking it this winter

1. Mood swings

Do you sometimes feel sad and without energy? In this case, it is urgent to take a test to find out if you suffer from a vitamin D deficiency. Indeed, this vitamin helps maintain the level of serotonin in the brain at a constant level. Serotonin is considered the “happiness hormone” and if its levels decrease, it has an impact on your mood. If the vitamin deficiency is permanent, mood swings may even culminate in depression.

2. respiratory diseases

Vitamin C is not the only one that supports the immune system, vitamin D does as well. Scientists from the World Health Organization have indeed discovered that vitamin D can also protect against respiratory tract infections. If the body lacks this vitamin, colds and infections can increase. If you are often sick, you should not only take a vitamin C tablet, but also have the vitamin D level in your blood checked.

3. porous bones

As we’ve already mentioned, vitamin D is essential for bone formation. If the body contains too little vitamin D, the intestine cannot “conduct” enough calcium to the bones. To keep the calcium level in the blood at a constant level, stored calcium is even released from the bones. This results in bone density decreasing and the bone becoming porous and soft. The next point shows that in this case, not only bone fractures become more likely.

4. Hair Loss

Vitamin D participates, among other things, in the formation of keratin. This protein is in turn responsible for giving strength to hair fibers. If the necessary vitamin D is lacking, hair loss may occur.

5. wounds that heal poorly

When you are injured, a large amount of vitamin D is used to speed healing. However, if the body does not have enough vitamin D, the duration and quality of the healing process is affected. If you notice that wounds heal more slowly than usual, you may have a vitamin D deficiency.

6. Insomnia

Besides stress and caffeinated drinks, sleep disorders can also have an organic cause. For example, a 2018 Iranian study found that around 50% of people with vitamin D deficiency also suffered from sleep disorders. For example, the people tested did not feel rested, even after sleeping enough hours.

What can you do about vitamin D deficiency?

If you are part of one of the “risk groups” or if you notice the symptoms mentioned above, you should in any case consult a doctor. They will be able to check if you suffer from a vitamin D deficiency using a blood test. Treatment may consist of daily walks outside or extra vitamin D in the form of a dietary supplement. But before taking such products, you should always consult a doctor.