The fact that the radiator is generally installed under the window may not seem energy-efficient at first glance. However, there is a plausible reason for this.

In general, the window is the coolest spot in the room. Cold air easily enters the room through the glass compared to a well-insulated wall. In most apartments and houses, radiators are located directly under the window. This may seem questionable from an ecological and financial perspective. Are we not losing a significant amount of warm air directly?

Radiator under the window: Here are the reasons

The placement of the radiator under the window has historical reasons. In the past, window panes and the walls directly next to the window were significantly less airtight. These areas were therefore particularly cold. To make this area a bit warmer and more comfortable, radiators were installed at the coldest points in the apartment, saving space in the process.

This phenomenon has persisted and makes sense in terms of energy efficiency: the radiator air must distribute itself throughout the room and not just rise. Therefore, there must be a regular airflow that makes it circulate. This is facilitated by the air intake near the window.

The fact that warm air circulates regularly ultimately contributes to reducing the amount of heating required. If heat simply rises, the radiator must provide much more warm air before you actually feel the warmth.

Moreover, having the radiator directly under the window reduces condensation formation on the glass. The warm air prevents the windows from cooling too much.

Additionally, even though windows are much more airtight these days, you can still feel the cold draft directly on the glass. To shield against this, it is also wise to install the radiator under the window. The warm air from the radiator forms a kind of barrier, preventing further spread of the cold outside air.

Efficient heating: Additional tips

Installing a radiator under the window makes sense in most buildings. Only in very well-renovated apartments where air barely penetrates through the windows is it more practical to position the radiator elsewhere. In doubt, it is advisable to seek advice from professionals.

In addition to the radiator’s position, you can follow other tips to heat as efficiently as possible:

  • Ensure radiators are unobstructed. Do not place clothes or towels on the radiator, as they absorb a significant portion of the produced heat.
  • When it’s dark outside, close shutters, blinds, and curtains. This helps reduce heat loss through the window.
  • Do not keep your windows constantly slightly open for ventilation. This cools the walls more than necessary. It’s better to ventilate briefly for a few minutes each day. This prevents mold and cools the apartment less.