Red roses are a symbol of love. A bouquet of roses is therefore one of the most popular gifts for Valentine’s Day. If you want to be particularly romantic, pay attention not only to the color of the flowers but also to the number of roses in the bouquet. This expresses something very specific. Find out now what you need to look out for when buying and how many you should avoid.

Valentine’s Day: what the number of roses in the bouquet means

Just can’t decide how many red roses you want to surprise your significant other with on Valentine’s Day? These are the hidden messages behind the number of roses.

A red rose

If you haven’t known each other that long, a single rose stands for “love at first sight”. After a few years of dating, it means something like: “You’re still the one for me.”

Two red roses

Two roses symbolize mutual love and affection. This means that the recipient also owes the giver two roses in return – at least if the love is mutual.

Three red roses

Three red roses for Valentine’s Day symbolize the three magical words: “I love you.” The absolute classic for the day of love.

Six red roses

With six red roses, you express your love and symbolize to the other person: “I want to be yours.”

Nine red roses

Nine red roses symbolize eternal love. Your partner wants to tell you: “I want to be with you forever.”

Ten red roses

You can take this number of roses as a compliment. The giver is telling you: “You are perfect!”

Twelve red roses

Twelve red roses, on the other hand, are like a romantic invitation: “Be mine!”
Are 13 red roses bad luck on Valentine’s Day?

13 red roses

The number 13 has a negative connotation and this number of roses in a bouquet can also cause disappointment among lovers. 13 roses symbolize an eternal friendship.

15 red roses

If someone gives 15 roses as a gift, they may have done something wrong. You can take the roses as a sign of an apology.

20 red roses

Do you want to express your sincerity? Then give 20 roses!

21 red roses

21 roses symbolize deep feelings. They mean that you are committed to your partner.

24 red roses

With 24 roses you symbolize to your partner: “I’m yours!”

25 red roses

In addition to a bouquet of 13 roses, 25 roses are not considered particularly romantic. This is because it merely expresses congratulations, e.g. on a birthday or on passing an exam. However, a different color should also be chosen here, as red roses have always been attributed a romantic meaning.

36 red roses

Giving 36 roses shows that you are head over heels in love and are also very generous. After all, a bouquet of this size costs around 40 euros.

40 red roses

Anyone who receives 40 or more roses as a Valentine’s Day gift has every reason to be happy. In this case, the giver’s love is considered genuine.

50 red roses and more

Such a large bouquet of flowers is actually statement enough. In concrete terms, 50 roses means something like: “My love knows no bounds!”

108 red roses

Red roses – no matter how many – are always a romantic gesture. With 108 roses, however, the giver wants to convey a very special message. It’s just two words, but they can change everything: “Marry me!”

What does the color of the roses mean?

The color of roses also has a special meaning. Almost everyone knows that red roses symbolize love. But what about other colors? White roses, for example, stand for innocence and shyness. Yellow roses, on the other hand, are a sign of friendship. Pink roses symbolize youth and being in love. Desire and passion can also be expressed with orange roses. Lavender-colored roses could also be considered – they stand for love at first sight.

Bouquet of roses with an even or odd number?

There is a superstition that an even number of roses may bring bad luck. If you or the person for whom the bouquet is intended is superstitious, you can follow this rule.
Whether it’s a small or large bouquet of roses – at the end of the day, it’s the romantic gesture from your better half that counts, isn’t it? With these tips for buying roses, nothing can go wrong.