A bucket of hot water, a little detergent – and the cleaning can begin. For many, the use of hot water is essential for thorough cleaning. However, the opposite is preferable. And water temperature also plays an important role when washing up.

For most cleaning products, heat has a negative effect on the cleaning result. This can lead to unsightly dirt marks. The reason for this is the chemical composition of most cleaners.

Hot water for cleaning?

Most common multi-purpose cleaners are cold water cleaners. Many of them contain alcohol, which evaporates quickly under the effect of heat and therefore does not offer optimal cleaning power on floors and surfaces.

Cleaning products should therefore only be used with cold or lukewarm water at most. This is also usually mentioned on product labels.

By using water at the right temperature, you not only save energy, you can also expect a streak-free cleaning result. Exception: for grease and oil stains, use hot water to clean. This loosens dirt more easily and cleans the cloth better.

Avoid toxic fumes

Particular care should be taken with sanitary cleaners such as drain openers. They give off unpleasant, even toxic, vapors when used in hot water. Cold water must be used. Similarly, disinfectants should never be used in hot water, otherwise they will lose their effectiveness.

What water temperature for dishes?

However, not all cleaning products are more effective in cold water. One exception is detergents and food degreasers. When washing dishes or cleaning pots and pans, use hot water instead. The higher temperature helps remove deposits. Cleaning windows with hot or cold water? Even for cleaning windows, cold water has proved effective. The reason: hot water dries much faster on the glass, forming unsightly streaks. Cold water, on the other hand, dries more slowly. This gives you more time to remove water and streaks from windows. The best way to dry is to rub with used newspaper or a leather window cloth.

Caution when removing stains from textiles

For fresh stains on textiles, never use hot water to rinse them out. Not only can this make removal more difficult, but certain stains, such as milk or blood, can also penetrate further into textile fibers. High temperatures coagulate proteins in residues. They then bind further into the fibers.

Should I clean the hood with hot or cold water?

On the other hand, stubborn grease splashes on the hood can’t be removed with either hot or cold water. A special cleaning trick has proved effective: apply oil, preferably sunflower oil, to a microfiber cloth. Then rub the surface until the first traces of dirt are loosened, which usually happens within a short time. Finally, wipe off the oil and dirt with a damp cloth and detergent solution.