This is the Biggest Mistake that kills Plants according to Gardeners…

Plant care isn’t always easy. Before you grow a plant indoors or outdoors, it’s important to know the growing conditions to prevent it from wilting.

Certain mistakes can prove fatal for your plants, especially those related to watering. Learn more about this mistake that can kill your houseplants.

To keep your plants thriving and healthy, it’s important to take good care of them.

To do this, you need to know the growing conditions to avoid excesses that can be harmful to your plants, especially when watering.

The biggest mistake that kills plants, according to gardeners

What’s the mistake that can kill houseplants?

The mistake that can be fatal to your houseplants, according to Etienne Laurentides, horticulturist and landscaper in the Jura region, is overwatering.

Excessive water deprives the soil of oxygen, suffocating the roots and causing them to rot.

What’s more, if the soil is very wet, the plant is no longer able to feed itself, as the moisture blocks the photosynthesis process.

As a result, leaves become softer, turn yellow and die. Excess water also makes the plant vulnerable to attack by parasites and fungi. Mould can form on the pot and potting soil.

How to protect plants from excess water?

To save a plant that has received a lot of water, start by placing it in the shade. If you leave it in the sun, it will dry out, as an over-watered plant is not able to transport water to its tips.

You’ll have to let it dry out. To speed up drying, tap the sides of the pot several times with your hand.

This has the effect of loosening the soil, making it lighter, and creating air pockets to help aerate the soil.

Then remove the plant from the pot to check the condition of its roots, and repot it in a new pot. To do this, carefully turn the plant over, hold it in one hand and shake the pot with the other until you can extract the root ball.

Then, using your fingers, remove all the soil surrounding your plant’s root system. There’s no point in keeping this soil, as new, fresher potting soil will be used when repotting.

Remove rotted roots with well-cleaned and disinfected pruning shears. You’ll recognize them by their soft, pasty brown or black appearance.

Healthy roots, on the other hand, are white and firm. Don’t hesitate to prune dead leaves and stems. These are brown and dry.

Once the dead parts have been removed, repot the plant in a new pot with drainage holes.

You can place a layer of mulch or clay balls at the bottom of the pot to promote water drainage.

Then add fresh potting soil and lightly tap the surface into place. Water lightly to moisten the soil, and only water a second time when the soil dries out. Be sure to remove any standing water from the saucer or pot lid after each watering.

How to avoid over-watering houseplants?

To avoid over-watering, which could lead to the death of your plant, water it only when it needs water. There are a number of clues to help you decide whether or not to water your plant.

  • Flower potting soil: Before watering your plant, stick your finger into the potting soil. If it’s more than 4 cm deep and dry, water.
  • The weight of the pot: a plant is heavier after being watered. If you lift the pot, you can weigh it. If it’s heavy, the bottom is still full of water, so there’s no point in watering it.
  • Plant type: the amount of water a plant needs depends on its type. Cacti and succulents, for example, need very little water.

Succulents don’t need to be watered regularly, as their thick, fleshy tissues help retain water.

This means that these plants tolerate drought very well. On the other hand, plants with fine foliage, buds or flowers need to be watered regularly.

However, avoid over-watering when watering green plants indoors, as excess water can suffocate the roots of your plants and cause them to rot.