Tips for Using Baby Powder Around the House…

All of us, at least once in our lives, have used baby powder! Some people even as adults can’t do without it given its fantastic smell and its ability to make the skin smooth. Many people, however, exploit it only in the home, neglecting its use for personal care! Well yes, there are many solutions with talcum powder at home that you should definitely try, today I will show you some tricks!

To clean the Glasses

By now everyone knows that talcum powder is a great remedy for cleaning windows! Its degreasing and cleaning composition is ideal to have them always bright and shiny in no time, let’s see how to do it now! You will need to dissolve 1 tablespoon of the product in 4 cups of water and mix until you get a single solution, then decant it into a vaporizer. Spray the mixture on the glass and simply wipe with a cotton cloth, you’ll see what a result!

For grease stains

Let’s move on with methods to use our talcum powder by seeing how useful it can be for grease stains! This is, in fact, a little Grandma’s trick to always have on hand when we see that there are oil or sauce stains on our clothing. You will simply have to cover the stain with talcum powder, leave it for 1 minute and then wipe it off with a damp cloth, then go through with a machine wash and see how clean it is! You can, also use this method for grease stains on surfaces or glass.

Moisture in shoes

How many times, after a day, particularly stressful, do we take off our shoes and notice that I know moisture has accumulated? Sweat, in fact, penetrates inside the fabric making the shoe not only slightly wet, but also full of unpleasant odors. So, what you will need to do is to spread some talcum powder inside each shoe and leave them in the open air overnight. The next day remove the talcum powder and you will immediately notice that they will be fragrant and dry!

For mirrors

In addition to glass, talcum powder is also perfect for making mirrors shiny and bright! If you combine it with vinegar, in fact, you will get a truly remarkable and effective natural compound, especially for very dirty mirrors. You will need to put 1 tablespoon of talcum powder in a bowl and combine it with some apple cider vinegar until you get a sort of creamy mixture. Put the latter on a sponge and rub it over the mirrors making circular motions, then rinse and dry with a cotton cloth. You will see what a fantastic result!

To perfume the bathroom

Who doesn’t want a fragrant and cozy bathroom? Talcum powder can make a great contribution to spreading a fantastic scent in the bathroom, I’ll explain how to use it now! There are two methods you can use, the first is to cut 1 tablespoon of bar soap flakes and mix it with 1 teaspoon of baby powder. Then put it all in a small bowl and leave it in the bath, it will smell great! The second method is to melt half a bar of soap and combine it with 1 tablespoon of talcum powder, then let it cool and, when it is still moldable, put it in some silicone cubes. Let it dry and dry, then take the cubes and put them in the bath!

In the vacuum cleaner

The last trick we will see with talcum powder is in the vacuum cleaner! This is a very widely used and practical remedy for getting a good scent in the house in no time and at almost no cost. All you have to do is vacuum 2 tablespoons of the product, and when you pass the appliance through the various rooms, you will immediately smell the fantastic scent!


Do not use talcum powder if you have an allergy or hypersensitivity. Also, remember to always try it first in unseen corners.