Why should you use sunscreen in winter?…

Do you give up sunscreen in winter because the sun shines less often and less intensely? You shouldn’t! In fact, it’s important to understand that using sunscreen is just as crucial in winter as it is in summer. In this article, you’ll learn why you shouldn’t forgo sunscreen even in the coldest months.

Sunscreen in winter: preventing sun-induced skin ageing

Even though UV rays are less intense in winter, they can still cause premature aging of the skin. Sunscreen for the face protects against unexpected sun rays, and helps protect the skin from UV rays that can penetrate clouds.

Why use sun protection in winter?

  • Prevention of pigmentation problems

Using sunscreen in winter can help prevent future skin discoloration due to sun exposure.

Even on gloomy winter days, skin can suffer from UV exposure, which is why it’s important to use sunscreen even on cloudy days. This is particularly important for people with photosensitive skin, as they are sensitive to UV rays.

  • Care for dry skin in winter

Another advantage of facial sunscreens in winter is their ability to combat dry skin, which often goes hand in hand with cold weather. Moisturizing creams with a winter sun protection factor contain a blend of plant oils and nourishing extracts to keep skin soft and supple.

Is a sun protection factor of 30 sufficient in winter?

Whether SPF 30 is sufficient in winter depends on the UV index. In Germany, the index is normally quite low in winter, so a sun protection factor of 30 is generally sufficient. A sun protection factor of 15 offers slightly less protection, but is also suitable for winter.

When should you incorporate sunscreen into your winter skin care routine?

Applying sunscreen should be the last step in your daily skincare routine. If your skin tends to dry out in winter, apply a suitable product before sunscreen to moisturize and protect it.

Sunscreen in winter: a must

In short, using sun cream in winter is an essential part of your skin care routine. It protects your skin from premature aging, pigmentation problems and unexpected sunlight, keeping it healthy and radiant all year round. It may take you a while to find the perfect sunscreen for your skin, but today there are many specialized options for your facial skin. So you don’t have to worry about your sunscreen feeling heavy or sticky.