Why you still need to ventilate your home during winter…

Snow is currently falling again in some regions. However, the question of whether or not to ventilate in the event of snowfall remains unanswered for many people. We have a few tips on how to optimize the indoor climate in snowy conditions and prevent mold formation.

When should I ventilate?

It’s particularly important to air in the morning when you get up and before you go to bed. These times allow a targeted supply of fresh air to ensure a pleasant indoor climate. You should also air actively after showering or cooking to reduce excess humidity.

Air regularly even when you’re away

As a general rule, we recommend airing three to five times a day for around five minutes in winter, depending on the outside temperature. If you’re particularly forgetful, using a timer can help to ensure regular airing. It’s particularly important to air thoroughly when you’re away from home during the day. In this case, make sure to open the windows in the morning and evening to ensure a sufficient supply of fresh air.

So why ventilate when it’s snowing?

Are you afraid of mold in your apartment if you air when it’s raining or snowing? You don’t need to be. We’ll explain exactly what happens when you air when it snows:

Aeration isn’t just about bringing in fresh air with a higher oxygen content for better breathing. The process is also essential for removing moisture from the apartment and thus preventing mold formation.

But what about when it’s snowing outside? After all, snow is water. But that’s no reason to keep the windows closed. This is due to a specific physical property of the air and its effect on humidity levels.

So, when cold, damp air enters your home, the humidity level doesn’t change, but automatically becomes drier. The relative humidity of the air, which serves as a daily reference value for indoor climate, does not describe the total quantity of water in the air, but its degree of saturation. Air humidity therefore depends not only on the amount of water in the air, but also on temperature.

So you can ventilate without fear in snowy or rainy weather. We have two tips on the best way to ventilate when it’s snowing:

1. air in bursts rather than all the time

When it comes to ventilating, it’s best to rely on the principle of short bursts of ventilation. A permanently tilted window can cause the building structure around it to cool, making it vulnerable to mould.

2. control tools: the hygrometer

A hygrometer, which measures the relative humidity of the air, is a useful tool. It helps to determine the optimum time to ventilate. Air humidity in living areas should always be between 40 and 60% to avoid health problems and mold growth.

Efficient ventilation in snow and other weather conditions

Due to low outside temperatures, it’s often more effective to ventilate in snowy weather than in dry, hot summer weather. The same applies to rain and fog. The only exception is hot summer rain, when the outside temperature is similar to or higher than that of the apartment.

Heating for optimum indoor climate

To ensure an optimal indoor climate in winter, it’s important not only to ventilate regularly, but also to heat sufficiently. During ventilation, the heating can be switched off briefly, but the room temperature should be raised to at least 18 degrees once ventilation is complete.