4 Ways to Make Your Couch Smell Better…

When the colder seasons like autumn and winter come, the sofa becomes a home within the home! In fact, we would never want to get away from the feeling of relaxation and well-being that able to give us after a hard day’s work. Laying down, moreover, on a super-smelling and clean sofa gives a greater incentive, so today we will see together how to refresh and perfume it with some simple and useful tricks!

Essential oils

The first remedy you can use to make your sofa fresher and more fragrant are, of course, essential oils! They have always proven to be valuable and effective against any closed smell, so let’s find out right now how to use them. You will need to fill a bowl with water (possibly demineralized), 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 7 drops of essential oil of your choice, I recommend lavender. Mix all the ingredients, mixing them well, then dip a rag inside and wring it out well. Then wipe it all over the couch and rinse several times, then leave balconies and windows open to air out.

Organic soap

Now on to organic soap, a fantastic ingredient when it comes to scenting sofas from top to bottom! All you’ll need to do is dissolve 1 ½ tablespoons of Marseille soap in a bowl with warm water, stir well. Take a soft sponge, wring it out and run it all over the couch, remembering not to over moisten it. Rinse with a well-wrung microfiber cloth and make a second pass. At this point all you have left to do is let it dry and enjoy the fantastic scent!

Baking soda

Baking soda is one of the most widely used natural ingredients for taking care of different fabrics of removable sofas. You can use it alone by dissolving 1 tablespoon of the product in a bowl with water and wiping a wrung-out cloth in the solution. However, baking soda is odorless, so if you also want to spread a nice scent on the sofa, as well as freshen it up, you can add 4 drops of essential oil to the baking soda and water solution. Remember never to get the sofa too wet, and rinse several times with wrung-out cloth before drying with open airing points.

Lemon juice

Who doesn’t love the fresh scent of lemon? If you like the feeling of smelling it when you relax on the couch, then I have just the solution for you! Press the juice of 1 large lemon well and put it in a bowl, then add 1 1/2 cups of water, dip a cloth inside and wring it out. Wipe the cloth all over the sofa several times and you will smell the fantastic scent all over the house! As a final step you only need to let the sofa air out and that’s it!

Scented mix

Finally, let’s see together how to prepare a scented mix to refresh the sofa every day! You will need to get 2 cups of water, 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of organic soap flakes and 5 drops of essential oil of your choice. Melt the soap in a water bath and combine it with the baking soda until thick and smooth, then pour it into the water. Add the essential oil drops, mix everything to have a single solution and pour it into a vaporizer. Spray on a well-cleaned microfiber cloth and wipe over the sofa, which will never smell so good!


We recommend making sure that the remedies described can be compatible with the fabric of your sofa. In this regard, consult any washing instructions.