7 costly mistakes to avoid when shopping at Ikea…

You originally just wanted to buy a new lamp from IKEA, but your bag is already full of candles, kitchen utensils and other things you probably don’t need. And at the end of each purchase, you of course treat yourself to a hotdog.

IKEA is a world of its own and shopping there has its own rules. But even experienced IKEA shoppers regularly make mistakes that they regret when they get home. Avoiding the following 7 mistakes will ultimately save you not only money, but also your nerves.

7 Costly Mistakes to Avoid When Shopping at Ikea

1. go to IKEA on Saturday

No matter how much you need new furniture for the nursery: Going to IKEA on Saturday is not a good idea. Indeed, on this day, there is no good time of day to do your shopping in complete relaxation. To go to IKEA on Saturday, you need to have a high level of frustration tolerance or have lost a bet.

2. Overestimate trunk dimensions

Everyone has already had this experience: we pile and pack everything we can in the car, and in the end, the passenger finds himself stuck between the furniture or we leave him with a coin because he doesn’t like it. There was simply more room in the car. So know the dimensions of your car before you enter the store.

3. Do not take all the packages from a piece of furniture

Unlike other furniture stores, you have to pick up the packages yourself from the IKEA shelves. It is therefore important to pay attention to the number of packages that belong to a piece of furniture. It has happened to the most experienced IKEA buyers only to find when they got home that part of the wardrobe was missing. So always pay attention to the numbers indicated on the packages and make sure you take all the parts with you to avoid this mistake.

4. forgetting the identity card for Småland

If you thought there was nothing worse than being a bouncer at a nightclub, you’ve never had to argue with an employee in Småland because you forgot your ID card. Because all the pleas for your children to be able to play it even without an identity check are unfortunately for nothing. A mistake that you should absolutely avoid for the sake of peace.

5. not measuring your apartment beforehand

Saying to yourself: “Oh, it’s going to be fine!” Maybe it works for buying clothes, but not for shopping at IKEA. Chests of drawers and cupboards generally appear smaller than they do in large furniture stores, so it’s a rude awakening when you want to assemble the furniture at home and realize that you have completely underestimated their size. clutter.

6. Have a Shopping List

Making a shopping list is a good idea in itself, but for IKEA, it would be better to make a list of what you absolutely should not buy. This way, you don’t end up with candles, vases, glasses or new sofa cushions in your cart, for which you have neither the use nor the space in your apartment.

7. go there just before the store closes

This is something you can do at the supermarket if you know exactly what you want and where to find it. But not at IKEA. Generally speaking, shopping at IKEA in a hurry is not one of the experiences you should have had once in your life. Think about the panic that builds within you when you find yourself alone in the bedroom section a few minutes before the store closes and you don’t know how many more turns it will take you to finally get to the checkout. But at least we have a comfortable place to sleep for the night.

A purchase from IKEA is always a little adventure and must be carefully considered and planned. Because unlike other furniture stores, IKEA follows its own laws. What bad, good or even funny experiences have you had while shopping at IKEA? Or do you avoid the store altogether?