Towels, let’s face it, are the crux and delight of our laundry! Despite the fact that they are always washed the same, it often happens that we run into a few little problems such as hardness of the fibers when taking them off the clothesline or closed smell. Today we will focus on the latter, which is caused by some bad habits used in the whole washing process, from the washing machine to when putting in the furniture. Let’s take a look together at some useful tips for having stench-free towels that always look perfect!

Exclusive washing

The first tip I can’t help but give you is to dedicate exclusive washing to your towels. This is important in order to wash a single fabric, since in particular that of towels is closer to the sponge and needs thorough washing. You can also be sure that all the remedies used for washing are intended only for towels, and the odors and fibers will not get mixed up. So, wait until you have a good load of towels and then wash them by filling the basket!

Don’t wait too long

An absolute rule we should all adopt when washing towels is not to wait too long before laying them out! Unfortunately, it is a very common habit to let laundry rot inside the basket even for a whole day-nothing could be more wrong. Modern washing machines allow you to program the start time of the wash cycle, so set a time when you know you can safely hang them out afterwards. Leaving the door closed with towels piled up causes bad odors that won’t go away even later.

Using baking soda or vinegar

Using baking soda or vinegar is another perfect solution to make sure that towels do not have bad odors. In fact, these are ingredients that neutralize even the strongest odor and make towels cleaner and softer. If you want to use baking soda, all you have to do is fill a measuring cup with the product and put it inside the basket. For vinegar, on the other hand, you will need to fill a small cup and put it in the detergent tub.

Natural fabric softener

Making natural fabric softener at home is a solution that not only solves the problem of smelly towels, but also results in greater savings and less pollution! To do this you will need 1/3 lb. of citric acid dissolved in 1 quart of water, pour the mixture inside a bottle and then add 10 drops of your favorite essential oil. Pour ½ cup of natural fabric softener into the appropriate tub and your towels will be perfect and fragrant!

Spread out well

Earlier we talked about the importance of hanging out the towels right away, perhaps even scheduling a time for the washing machine. Another important factor, however, is to lay them out properly and according to the rules passed down from generation to generation and which are often ignored. You will first need to leave space between towels so that air can pass through, otherwise they will always remain damp. Shake them before laying them out so that excess water falls off.

How to dry them

To dry them properly, in addition to laying them out well, it would be best to put the towels away from direct sunlight. These can make them too hard and will give you that “sandpaper” effect that we don’t like when you can use them. Also, before removing them, it is good to check that they are completely dry; not a single wet corner should remain. Finally, remember not to leave them out on the balcony for too long.

In the furniture

Last tip to consider is when putting them in furniture. Make sure it is a piece of furniture free of moisture, if not, put a small bowl full of baking soda in a corner so it can absorb it. The furniture also needs to be free of dirt and dust, which will otherwise settle on the towels and not give the desired effect. To scent, fill a bag with bay leaves and place it on the towels, they will look great!


In order to always perform optimal washing, read and follow the instructions on the labels.