How to Get Fresh Fries from McDonald’s with Every Order…

Crispy, hot and fresh from the fryer – that’s how fries taste best! At the popular fast food chain McDonald’s, the opposite is usually the case: the burger is soggy and the fries are already cold. A little trick when ordering can help you to always get fresh fries at McDonald’s.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating fast food from time to time. After all, there’s not always enough time to cook in the stress of everyday life. Unfortunately, burgers, fries and the like at McDonald’s are often no longer completely fresh at the time of sale. In contrast to many other countries, burgers and fries at McDonald’s in Germany are usually still produced in stock.

For example, the popular fast food chain allows a burger to be stored unsold for up to ten minutes. This not only makes burgers and fries soft and sticky, it also makes them lose their flavor. They can only develop their full flavor if they are freshly prepared. A simple trick when ordering should now solve this problem.

How to always get fresh fries at McDonald’s

It’s as simple as it is ingenious. From now on, always order your fries at McDonald’s without salt and they will be freshly prepared especially for you. At the fast food chain, fries are always salted after frying. So if you order them without salt, the employee will definitely have to prepare them fresh. Don’t like salty fries anyway? Great! If not, you can simply add salt to your fries yourself before eating them.

To get a freshly prepared burger, you only need to make a small special request when ordering. Simply leave out an ingredient or choose another one. For example, you could order your burger without cucumber, without onion, without ketchup or with a different sauce. The burger will then be prepared individually according to your wishes. Your special requests may take a little longer to prepare, but you are guaranteed fresh burgers and fries on your next visit to McDonald’s!