Stop throwing tuna oil down the sink…

The classic canned tuna in oil is often part of our meals, whether to garnish a salad, for a delicious sandwich or even as an accompaniment to a cold dish. Especially since it is easy and quick to prepare. But where do you usually throw the oil? In the kitchen sink, right? Sometimes even in the toilets. It’s a reflex that almost all of us have and which in itself seems very logical to us.

In addition to being a bad idea: we don’t realize it, but this action can cause significant damage to the environment and cause unexpected problems at home. Find out why you really need to change this bad habit.

Why shouldn’t you throw this oil down the sink?

It probably seems normal to you to throw away this oil that you do not consume. However, like cooking oils, it is not recyclable and therefore pollutes the environment. But that’s not all: once poured down the sink, it can also cause blockages in the pipes. This leads to unpleasant odors and stagnation. At some point you will be forced to solve the obstacle problem. And you should avoid using equally polluting and harmful chemical substances to clean the sink. To avoid all these inconveniences, it is better to get used to no longer pouring this oil into the sink or toilet.

But how to get rid of it then? The best option would be to pour this oil into a glass jar or bottle like cooking oil. Store it in a cool place before sending it to a special collection point for used edible oils.

Canned tuna oil: a concentrate of Omega 3

But why should we systematically think about throwing away this oil? If you don’t like waste, know that you can consume it safely. This substance is rich in Omega 3 and has positive effects on health. Canned tuna oil can therefore be used in cooking in a variety of ways. Particularly for seasoning seafood dishes, frying squid, making fish soup… It is even possible to pour it directly onto tuna to make a tasty spread for your canapes as an aperitif.

Note: When purchasing your canned tuna, choose a high-quality cold-pressed oil. You can therefore reuse it as you wish in all kinds of recipes.

How to properly store your cans of tuna?

Canned foods have a long shelf life. To keep them in optimal conditions, it is necessary to keep them in cool and dry places, where they are not exposed to sunlight. In addition, to keep them away from heat sources that could cause rapid deterioration, it is better to store them in a cupboard or pantry, in a shaded place, in a protected and well-closed place.

In addition, it is better to place the oldest cans at the front so that they can be consumed more quickly, and those that have just been purchased at the back because they then have a longer lifespan. Of course, it is always wiser to always check the expiration date before consuming a food. In some cases, certain jams can even be kept for up to two years from their preparation.

There is no need to put the can of tuna in the refrigerator when it is closed. However, it is highly recommended that you place leftover tuna in an airtight, food-safe container after opening and store it in the refrigerator for one to two days. If the jar is glass, you can leave the tuna in the package and seal it tightly.