4 vegetables you can plant in January…

Just because it’s cold, freezing and snowing doesn’t mean amateur gardeners should sit back and do nothing. While winter still reigns outside, it is possible to prepare for the gardening season inside, nice and warm, and grow some vegetables.

We don’t like going out in the garden when the temperatures are negative. But amateur gardeners don’t need it. This year the weather is very capricious and generally unpredictable. Fortunately, you can also grow plants in advance – and you don’t even have to leave the house to do this. CommentConserver reveals which vegetables can be sown from January.

Why sow plants in January?

Some vegetables have a long growing life. By sowing them in January, we benefit from a small head start in time. Another advantage is that the plants will be more vigorous than those with shorter germination times, thanks to a longer anticipation period.

However, there can also be problems – namely that the plants spoil. This means that they grow too quickly in search of enough light and spend less energy on forming their roots than on developing their overly long shoots. It is therefore recommended to use a plant lamp during the dark time of the year.


Tomatoes are a wonderful and rewarding vegetable that can be sown in January. Their requirements are not high and they are very suitable even for beginners. Read here what you should pay attention to when growing tomatoes.

2. Sow chillies and peppers

The windowsill sharpens, because chili peppers can also be grown in January. Thanks to early pre-cultivation, chillies and peppers can be planted directly after the ice saints in May and we benefit from a longer harvest.

3. Early cauliflowers

If you want to sow cauliflowers in January, you must take care when purchasing to choose seeds that are suitable for early sowing. In general, cauliflower is a slightly more demanding vegetable. It needs a lot of light, heat and nutrients. But one should only think about these points when he is buried after the ice saints.

4. Summer garlic

Summer garlic can also be grown as early as January. It is also known as leek. Good neighbors in flower beds and tomatoes or onions. Strawberries are also suitable as ground cover in summer garlic beds.

The most hardy, who do not fear the cold, wind and snow, can also sow something in the garden. Peas can be planted in the ground as early as January. However, you should not expect to be able to harvest peas. If you sow the pod at this time of year, the most you can harvest is the pea shoots. However, these are very tasty and suitable for snacking or to garnish salads.